topics *
To protect your rights while interacting with the police, follow this guide:
S - Stay aware
T - Tell them you are using your right to an attorney & to remain silent
A - Ask if you are free to leave
N - Never consent to a search
D - Do what it takes to get home safely.
Bail is the payment an accused person awaiting trial exchanges with the court as a way to guarantee their appearance at a later hearing. The bail system in the US is a flawed component of a criminal legal system that keeps poor people incarcerated.
Expungement is the process of going to court to ask a judge to seal a court record. The process can help people who have been experiencing challenges accessing housing or employment as a result of their criminal records.
The right to protest is a fundamental right in the United States, written in the first amendment of the Constitution. There are some limits to this right that people should consider and prepare for.
The fourth amendment to the Constitution protects us from “unreasonable” searches and seizures of property by law enforcement. Although there are many legal reasons why law enforcement might be able to search a person or their property, it is a very common practice for people to unknowingly consent to searches they don’t want.