glossary *
We know legal terms can be hard, but we got you covered! If you have a word or phrase we should add, please submit!
MN Statutes 629.30 “taking a person into custody that the person may be held to answer for a public offense” actually restraining a person or taking into custody
These are the consequences that result from the punishment and penal actions of our legal system. For instance, a direct consequence may be during time in prison or being incarcerated. A Collateral Consequence of being incarcerated is that you may lose the right to vote.
to give permission
to be held in official custody, most likely for questioning about a crime
to decrease the intensity of a situation
To scatter or ungather
the judge’s decision in a case
Evidence found by the police that does not follow the rules around search and seizure cannot be used in court. They must have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the area searched or the items seized. The violating must have been made by someone working for the government
The fourth amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects you from “unreasonable searches”
a proceeding that happens before the actual court date
Reasonable grounds for making a search or pressing a charge that is more than just a suspicion or anonymous tip
When a police officer (or gov’t official) violates a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy (for example, you have a reasonable expectation to privacy in your home)
there will be no conviction for the offense and the charge will ultimately be dismissed if the terms of the stay are met
A piece of paper that is signed by a judge. Giving government officials (like police) permission to search something (house, car, person, etc)